q/ Can I get to camp baldarin by bus from osor? JD, 19.07.2012 a/ There is a bus from Osor to camping Baldarin on working days, two times a day, First at 06.10 a.m. and second 3.10 p.m. It is not going on Saturday, Sunday and holiday. Admin, 21.07.2012
q/ Dear all, this year I would like to visit the Baldarin camp but I´m not so much naturist type. Is possible to rent a premium pitch in the textile part of camp please? And which part is textile? I can´t find it...Thank you very much. Kind regards, Lenka Nemeckova LN, 20.06.2012 a/ The non naturist side of the camp is at the beginning, harbor Bokinić, when you look the map, the first part at the left side of the map up to the market. We have only 5 spots and are rather booked, so if you want to reserve a spot, question is if there is one free Admin, 21.06.2012
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